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Privacy Policy



Privacy policy

Art.13 information concerning the processing of personal data (Legislative Decree no. 196/2003).

According to Italian law on data security, (196/2003), and its subsequent amendments, the customer acknowledges that Borgo Hotel srl can process the customer’s personal data according to the principles of fairness, legality and transparency and protection the confidentiality and rights of the customer. according to art. 13 of Legislative Decree. N. 196/2003, we inform the customer that:


1) The data collected while browsing this website or written by the user will be used for the following purposes: commercial proposals concerning stays at our hotel and recording of bookings made through the appropriate procedure available on the site.


2) The data will be processed using paper or digital system, in compliance with the minimum standard laid imposed in Annex B to Legislative Decree no. 196/2003


3) Please note that to ensure some required service it can be obligatory for the users to communicate some personal data, else the service can not be executed.


4) The data may be disclosed to third parties such as contractors and partner companies or other persons appointed by the controller of the data always for purposes strictly related to ensure the normal running of the Hotel’s website and the provision of services offered by them.

Include assets of outside engineers on tools used for the collection, management and storage of data in question.


The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of computer crimes against the Site or third parties.


5) The data controller is: Best Accomodation SRL


6) The data processor is: Diana Ivanova


7) the customer can ask the data controller or processor to assert his rights under art. 7 of the legislative decree. N. 196/2003.




Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are pieces of information that a server can send to your PC, smartphone or tablet when you visit a website or use a social network. The same server that transmit the cookies, then, can read and record the cookies already stored on your PC, smartphone or tablet to obtain various types of information.


Cookies have different functions: in many cases they are useful because they make it easier and faster browsing, as happens with cookies technicians, used for example to save the language preferences or a shopping cart. In other cases, however, cookies are used to track users while browsing; the profiling cookies can record information about what you might want to buy or buy, analyzing your reading, your hobbies, your travels, to customize the advertising that is shown when you open the mail or browsing a social network. Then there are third-party cookies, or information that is recorded from sites other than those you’ve visited and that are used for purposes of profiling.


Further information is available on the website of the privacy


The cookies we use

Two types of cookies may be used on the site: ‘session cookies’ and ‘persistent cookies’:


The ‘session cookies’ are temporary cookies that remain on the device until the moment you leave the site.

The ‘persistent cookies’ stays on your device for longer or until you delete it manually.

The cookies used by our site

1. Cookies technicians

Cookies technicians are those whose use does not require the user’s consent. These cookies are essential to allow you to browse a website and use all its functions. Without these cookies, which are absolutely necessary, a website could not provide certain services or functions and navigation would not be smooth and easy as it should be. A cookie of this type is also used to store the decision of a user on the use of cookies on the website. Atri technical cookies are those that allow, for example, saving the language preferences or shopping cart.


WordPress 1.2 cookies

This site has been developed on the wordpress platform, then it uses cookies implemented by that platform. Cookies stored address all those who have registered an account on wordpress blog and those who comment on the articles.

Cookies are used by wordpress:




[hash] wordpress_logged_in_ [hash] wp-settings- {time} – [UID] All these cookies are persistent and are released to ensure a better browsing experience on this site.

2. Cookies profiling

This site does NOT use cookies for this type. Cookies advertising are installed to show visitors the site content related to their preferences. They can then be used to show advertising content targeted to the interests of the person. Cookies of this type work in partnership with third-party sites and can keep track of navigation passed on pages on different domains. Cookies keep track of this type usually your IP address and other information, some of which may be personal.


3. Third-Party Cookies

These cookies are used to collect information on the use of the site made by anonymous users such as page views, time spent, traffic sources of origin, geographic origin, age, gender and interests for statistical purposes and marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent from third-party domains outside the site.




These cookies are used only to collect statistics and information on the use of this website by users.


This site uses ViviStats on its web site to measure and analyze the access to the site. To this end, through the IP address, are collected data on the Internet, the type of browser you are using and the computer. These data are not used to identify users personally.


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